Hi! I'm so glad you're here.

I am Florencia Ramirez, an award-winning author of EAT LESS WATER (also available in Italian, GOCCIA A GOCCIA). I have appeared on television, radio, and podcasts, including NPR, CBS, American Public Media, KCRW's Good Food, New York and Pacifica Radio, Entertainment Weekly, and KTLA Morning News. I am the host of the podcast THE KITCHEN ACTIVIST. I am the founder/director of the Pesticide Free Soil Project. This youth-led community-based program works with schools to move away from harmful pesticides from the playground with Compost Tea Parties and cafeteria food. My next book, THE KITCHEN ACTIVIST, is due in Spring 2026.

I invite you into my kitchen to show you how it is ripe with opportunities to save the planet. My kitchen—and yours—is ground zero for environmental and social justice action.

Before I understood the power we could harness in the kitchen, I focused on reducing shower time. "You can save 2400 gallons of water each year if you shave 4 minutes from your shower time," I repeated thousands of times. My small water conservation business sold 80,000 shower timers to individuals, retail stores, and water agencies.

My focus transferred to the kitchen when I learned the average person eats between 400-1300 gallons of water daily with our food! I'm referring to the virtual water footprint of food and drink.

Food production is the largest user and polluter of water on the planet. It is also the third largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). This doesn't include the toll of plastic pollution generated by food or the methane gas emitted from food waste generated in the home. BTW, methane gas is 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide. Nothing comes close to altering the landscape and bodies of water on every continent on a mass scale than food production.

The challenges we face require a robust blueprint forward—one that goes well beyond shorter showers or recycling plastic (which is mostly unrecyclable). We need Kitchen Activism to harness our power as change agents.

"Destruction of ecosystems and habitats will threaten our ability to sustain human populations unless we change how we produce food," warns the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). If we don't make fundamental changes as a global community, food production alone will add a 1.7 °F (1 °C) increase in warming by 2100. But this is good news!

WHY? Because...

We control what occurs in our kitchen.

We decide what food we purchase and how it's stored.

All you need are the action steps. What is the slogan? Education is power? Something like that. Do you know what else is powerful? The collective action we take to make simple changes in our kitchens, like meal planning and supporting food producers who are not only concerned about increased profits but also building planetary well-being. 

Stay tuned for the rollout of KITCHEN ACTIVIST 101, set to launch this fall! I hope to see you at my kitchen table soon, mainly in Oxnard, California, and sometimes in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Be Resplendent
